Visit Perritte

We’re so glad you are visiting our online home, and hope that you will join us in our physical location also. Here’s some things you might like to know about us before visiting the first time.

Where is Perritte?
Glad you asked! We’re located at 1025 Durst Street in Nacogdoches, just off of Main Street and West of Downtown. You can find us on the map below; click it to plug in your address for directions.

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What kind of small groups and Sunday School classes are available? (10 am)
Our Sunday School classes meet the hour before worship, providing strong relationships to go with in-depth Christian discipleship for all ages. There’s a class waiting to welcome you! Preschool and Early Elementary classes meet on the ground floor of the Sanctuary building, along with the High School class. Older Elementary children, Junior High youth and the adult Koinonia class are upstairs in the Sanctuary building, along with our Legacy class for parents of young children. Next door in the Memorial Hall building are the Cokesbury, Pals, and Becomers classes. To learn more about the best Sunday school class for you, or where one meets, just ask Pastor Josh or any of our members. We also offer small groups that meet at other times than Sunday mornings. Learn more about Christian Discipleship.

What can I expect at Worship? (11 am)
Let’s start with getting ready. If you’re worried about what to wear, know that many people choose to come to Perritte wearing something considered business casual, but don’t be surprised to see someone in a coat and tie standing next to a church member wearing jeans and a t-shirt…or shorts in the summer. We are in Texas, after all. More important than what kind of clothes you are wearing is what attitude you bring. We invite everyone to come to worship with an openness towards God and a willingness to bear with each other as we gather — we’re a very human community of faith, and so you’ll likely have some folks introduce themselves and tell you a little more about us.

Though we worship in what is often called a traditional style, we also have guitars and aren’t afraid to use them! A bulletin is provided to guide worship participation, because gathering in the power of the Holy Spirit to praise Almighty God and hear from Jesus Christ is the activity of the entire faith community, not just our pastor and musicians. Every time something is printed in bold in the bulletin, join in the response out loud as we greet one another, sing, and pray. All the numbers refer to the red United Methodist Hymnals available next to the Bibles at every pew. Please be sure and let us know about yourself by filling out one of the guest registration cards found in the registration books and place it as your offering the first time you are with us as the plates come around during the service. If it’s a first Sunday of the month or other special occasion, you are invited to join us afterwards for a covered-dish lunch as our guests! Learn more about Sunday Worship.

Children and Nursery Care
Children are welcome in worship! If you prefer, we do have a nursery available in the Education Wing behind the Sanctuary where your child will be well cared for. Older children may go to Children’s Church following the Children’s Time, so they may interact in a hands-on way with a Bible story, while the adults stay in the Sanctuary for the sermon. They’ll return after the sermon is over to finish worshipping with you. Learn more about the Children’s Ministry.