About Perritte

We’re glad you stopped by to see us online and hope that you’ll come see us this Sunday in person for worship!

Join us at 11:00 am for worship that features an outstanding choir, traditional hymns, children’s message, timeless prayers, and a sermon that invites you to enter the mystery of God. Come at 10:00 am to participate in one of our great Sunday School classes. Both worship and Sunday School include a nursery available for the little ones. Learn more about visiting Perritte here!

If there’s a Sunday you need a ride, then please don’t hesitate to call us (at the number below) in advance so we can make arrangements to have you picked up.

Thanks for visiting our virtual home: if you want to touch base with us in real life, here’s how you can find us:

Perritte Memorial United Methodist Church
Located at 1025 Durst Street, Nacogdoches, Texas | 936.564.8427 (voice) | info@perritteumc.org
Mailing Address: 638A N University Dr #255, Nacogdoches, TX 75961
Office Hours: 9 am to 1 pm Monday through Thursday