The Empty Church
R S Thomas (Wales/1913-2000)
They laid this stone trap
for him, enticing him with candles,
as though he would come like some huge moth
out of the darkness to beat there.
Ah, he had burned himself
before in the human flame
and escaped, leaving the reason
torn. He will not come any more
to our lure. Why, then, do I kneel still
striking my prayers on a stone
heart? Is it in hope one
of them will ignite yet
and throw on its illumined walls the shadow
of someone greater than I can understand?
Every day during Lent, a brief thought, meditation, prayer, or picture will be posted here. You’re invited to use this as a jumping off point for your own spiritual practices during this season of preparation for Easter. If you would like to share a response, please comment below!
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