This week’s edition of the Perritte Memorial Messenger is out!
This year we are having a 4th of July “picnic” in Memorial Hall this 4th starting at 5. We will have a grill fired up so bring your meat, bread, and vegetable of choice. We will have fixings for hamburgers and hot dogs already there (mustard, mayo, relish, pickles). There will be games to play, then we can go to the Kline’s parking lot to watch fireworks! This event is open to everyone and we hope you can make it out to celebrate with us!
We hope you can join us this Sunday after service as we will be having our first covered dish with our new Pastor, Lani Rousseau. In addition to the covered dish we will be welcoming her, with a “Pounding” of all of Perritte’s finest homemade goods. Please bring your delicious goodies to present to her and share all the goodness that Perritte offers. I am sure she will love all of the scrumptious baked goods and delightful canned goods.
Please click this link to download and read our newsletter: Newsletter July 1 2014
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