At table in Jerusalem, Jesus sits at last with friends:
traitors, liars, empty promises, soaring hopes brought low by sin.
Still he stays there, shares the supper of God’s grace and liberty,
giving self for one another, loves and serves them urgently.
Christ our Lifeblood, we so often pour you out in obscene ways,
and your power of forgiveness selfishly within us stays.
Broken lives, our only off’ring—broken bread you now provide,
that in broken souls and bodies, broken sin no more resides.
Holy make this common meal: be our guest, our host, our food.
In the speech, the song, the silence, share your death and life renewed.
May the prayers which we now offer join those from Gethsemane:
not our small desires accomplish, but your will, eternally.
Joshua W Hale (USA/21st century)
Every day during Holy Week, a brief thought, meditation, prayer, or picture will be posted here. You’re invited to use this as a jumping off point for your own spiritual practices during this season of preparation for Easter. If you would like to share a response, please comment below!
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