Category: Lent
The Third Friday in Lent: The Empty Church
Read More: The Third Friday in Lent: The Empty ChurchThe Empty Church R S Thomas (Wales/1913-2000) They laid this stone trap for him, enticing him with candles, as though he would come like some huge moth out of the darkness to beat there. Ah, he had burned himself before in the human flame and escaped, leaving the reason torn. He will not come any…
The Third Thursday in Lent: A Crack
Read More: The Third Thursday in Lent: A CrackRing the bells that still can ring; leave your perfect offering. There’s a crack, a crack in everything: that’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen (Canada/b 1934) Every day during Lent, a brief thought, meditation, prayer, or picture will be posted here. You’re invited to use this as a jumping off point for your…
The Third Wednesday in Lent: Cross
Read More: The Third Wednesday in Lent: Cross“Your cross” means your own anxieties and your sufferings in your own body, which itself is shaped in a way already like a cross. Tertullian (Tunisia/155-225) How is a disciple to know which is his or her cross? We receive it upon entering the discipleship of the suffering Lord, and come to recognize it in…
The Second Tuesday in Lent: Lament
Read More: The Second Tuesday in Lent: LamentPraying the heart Elizabeth Cunningham You can only pray what’s in your heart. So if your heart is being ripped from your chest pray the tearing if your heart is full of bitterness pray it to the last dreg if your heart is a river gone wild pray the torrent or a lava flow scorching…
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